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Understanding Food Addiction

Food, like chemical substances, can be addicting. Many people use food as a comfort when feeling down, depressed, anxious, stressed or angry. Foods high in sugar, salt, starch and fat are the most addictive and can trigger the brain with “feel-good” chemicals, similarly to heroin or cocaine. When food addicts experience pleasure from feel-good chemicals, […]

If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Your Mother

All addictions, including food addictions, develop as a result of a delicate “dance” between an individual’s genetic predisposition and environmental inputs. Studies suggest that the percentage of genetic predisposition can be as high as 50%. This could sound like an alarming statistic until you consider the flip side of that same number – 50% of […]

5 Tips for Surviving Holiday Office Parties

‘Tis the season for holiday parties. While that may evoke joy and cheer for some, for individuals struggling with an eating disorder — be it food addiction, overeating, anorexia or bulimia — the thought of holiday parties can cause anxiety and stress. Particularly when it comes to office parties at work. If you suffer from […]

When Do You Need Inpatient Care for an Eating Disorder?

Eating disorders exist on a wide range of severity levels. Some people with eating disorders are able to maintain their lives with few symptoms or complications from their disease. Others have reached such an extreme level that the patient’s life is in clear danger. Treatment options for an eating disorder also range from regular therapeutic […]

Meal plan safe smoothies, thank you higher power!

So, okay. I live in Abilene, TX… a place short  on “Smoothie” shops. Apparently the Smoothie King closed down before I moved here. Bummer. Oh, how I dream of my big city Jamba Juice’s and such! Oh well, let’s stay in today, shall we? In my addiction I was a huge ice cream and milk shake  […]

A few of my NEW favorite things!

Now that I am abstinent from caffeine, gluten, flour and sugar… just what the heck do I eat and drink?!  You see,  I enjoy my sweet tasting foods and I love to go out.  Except, I don’t want to go if I’m going  to be that pissy guy at the table all misrable because he can only have water and […]