The Six Day Intensive – Day 1

This is the Day One video journal of my participation in the Six Day Intensive at Shades Of Hope in Buffalo Gap, TX. Please know that this isn’t scripted or rehearsed… I just hit record and went on with it. So, please excuse my little idiosyncrasies. For me, the Six Day was life changing. For […]
The world through detoxed eyes. Life after the Six Day Intensive.

“If left to our own devices we will fail. We can’t do this alone.” – Tennie McCarty I arrived. I survived. I am detoxed. After six days of intense therapy and a diet abstaining from caffeine, flour, sugar and gluten, I feel better than I have in years! Or ever? I haven’t been without one of […]
OWN Web Exclusive: Tenni-isms…Love it!

Tennie McCarty is a licensed addiction and eating disorders counselor, and she’s also the heart and soul of Shades of Hope, the Texas treatment center where she puts her unconventional method to work on food addicts of all kinds. In her 30 years of experience, she’s become known for developing her own, no-nonsense language affectionately […]
Ruby: An Inspirational Weight Loss Journey

Ruby Gettinger is the charming reality star of Ruby on the Style Network. Once weighing over 700 pounds, she has battled obesity throughout her life. The Savannah native is aware her food consumption and weight are symptoms of an underlying problem. “I wasn’t eating because I was hungry,” she said in an interview with People […]
Shades of Hope featured on A&E’s ‘Intervention’

Shades of Hope was featured on an episode of the Emmy award-winning show “Intervention” on A&E. “Intervention” is a television series that profiles people with addictions or other destructive behaviors that have led them to a point of crisis. Each episode ends with a surprise intervention held with friends and family led by an intervention […]