Ruby Gettinger is the charming reality star of Ruby on the Style Network. Once weighing over 700 pounds, she has battled obesity throughout her life. The Savannah native is aware her food consumption and weight are symptoms of an underlying problem. “I wasn’t eating because I was hungry,” she said in an interview with People magazine, “Food controlled me.” The reality star told Regis Philbin & Kelly Ripa, “I wanted to find out the truth behind it [obesity] because I knew it was bigger than just dieting.” In an interview with Joy Behar, Ruby revealed that she had to lose weight as she felt her body “shutting down” as she got older.
Ruby had the biggest debut in the Style Network’s history in November 2008. The popular reality show documenting her weight loss journey and quest for a healthy life is now in its third season. During this season, Tennie McCarty from Shades of Hope became a regular at Ruby’s female “Fat Night” support group meetings. Tennie helped Ruby understand she has a food addiction and must treat her behavior as any other addict does. Tennie helped the group go through several exercises to assess their personal food issues, conquer fears and identify hidden emotions.

On her most recent appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Ruby said, “I’m finding out that this is more than just exercise and working out. You’re feeding pain, and that’s what I’ve been feeding.”
After several sessions with the inspiring reality star and her support group in Savannah, Tennie suggested the women attend a 6-Day Intensive program. Ruby was initially hesitant but ultimately decided to take the 6-Day Intensive to overcome her weight loss plateau. The other women in the group eventually agreed to accompany Ruby. Several of the women in the group are unsure they have a food addiction, but they trust Tennie and will undergo the suggested treatment for six days.
Watch the two-hour season finale of Ruby on Sunday, May 2nd at 9pm EST/8pm CST on the Style Network, which will feature Ruby and her friends’ experience during their 6-Day Intensive with Shades of Hope founder Tennie McCarty.
The Oprah Winfrey Show, March 9, 2009
The Oprah Winfrey Show, February 3, 2010
Live with Regis and Kelly, February 2, 2010
People, September 7, 2009
US Weekly Magazine, April 15, 2010
The Joy Behar Show, HLN, April 19, 2010
In Touch, November 24, 2008
Ruby, Style Network, Sundays at 9pm EST/8pm CST