Shades of Hope Alumni Story: Amanda

Amanda began her journey at Shades of Hope as a very hopeless and broken individual. Recovery is possible! We hope that you will read her story and make a change for yourself today. Call (800) 588-4673 to speak to someone. “My battle with weight and food began when I was 8 years…
Shades of Hope Alumni Story: Jackie

Jackie’s daughter suffered from anorexia and bulimia for more than 4 years before her family became involved. Upon identifying her eating disorder with her therapist, the family came to Shades of Hope. Read Jackie’s story and know that there is hope for your own child or family member struggling with…
Understanding & Recognizing The Signs of Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that often takes place in secret. Defined by patterns of binge eating and purging, bulimia can result in very serious health complications and even death. It is uncertain the exact number of individuals in the United States who suffer from bulimia nervosa, but it is estimated that one in […]
Five Signs of an Eating Disorder in your Daughter

To help attract attention to teen eating disorders and food addictions, I wanted to help parents with some general tips on how to spot eating disorders in their children. Over the years, most of the talk about eating disorders in teens has focused on anorexia and bulimia, typically blamed on unrealistic body images portrayed in the media. […]
Lifestyle Intervention guest pass giveaway

Come and be a guest of Shades of Hope! Do you live in the Las Vegas area? Join us at the Four Seasons! Fit-RX and The Change Institute are introducing the first national conference on Obesity, Intervention and Treatment. Shades of Hope will be there, and we want you to join us! WWW.LIFESTYLEINTERVENTION.ORG Hello friends! […]
The world through detoxed eyes. Life after the Six Day Intensive.

“If left to our own devices we will fail. We can’t do this alone.” – Tennie McCarty I arrived. I survived. I am detoxed. After six days of intense therapy and a diet abstaining from caffeine, flour, sugar and gluten, I feel better than I have in years! Or ever? I haven’t been without one of […]
Countdown to Camp Six Day!

So, only six more days until I check in as a “client” at Shades of Hope. I started off kinda nervous… now I’m just excited! The whole thing reminds me of summer camp. Actually, SOH even looks like summer camp! Ohhhhhhh, I can’t help but grin 🙂 You see, I absolutely adored camp when I […]
Season Finale of ‘Addicted to Food’ tonight 11/10C!

Heads up! The last three episodes will run back-to-back, starting at 11 p.m. until 2 a.m.! Tonight, we say goodbye to our eight addicts 🙁 Well, some of us will. I feel compelled to share my true feelings about this situation. Let me choose a feeling word…. Oh, I don’t know… Anger? Yes, I’m angry that […]
Tennie McCarty appears on Dr. Oz

“Addiction is the only disease that says, you do not have it!” – Tennie McCarty Click on image to watch the clip Is food controlling your life? Do you feel out of control? Meet someone with a food addiction and find out what it takes to break the cycle.
But, I can’t afford treatment!

“I can’t take the time away from work… I’ve got kids, my insurance won’t cover it. I’m not rich” Hmmmm, likely excuse. First thing first, stop complaining! Second thing, get your sorry no good, lying (all addicts lie), cheating, excuse making and not willing to make sacrifices SELF to a meeting. When you get to […]