Shades of Hope Alumni Story: Jackie

Jackie’s daughter suffered from anorexia and bulimia for more than 4 years before her family became involved. Upon identifying her eating disorder with her therapist, the family came to Shades of Hope. Read Jackie’s story and know that there is hope for your own child or family member struggling with eating disorders! Call (800) 588-4673 to speak to someone.

“We were not familiar with eating disorders, but we wanted to help our daughter in any way possible. We booked the first flight to Texas because we were located in Louisville, Kentucky. Our daughter was on her way to recovery after being admitted to Shades of Hope. It was not until we attended Family Week, which was five weeks after she arrived, that we got a true understanding of her eating disorder. We also began to realize just how much our family needed the help of Shades of Hope. My husband was able to learn about his sugar addiction, and I addressed my issues with co-dependency.

Since being at Shades of Hope’s Family Week, we are now caffeine free, as well as sugar and gluten free. Mike and I are both living healthier lives. We have all successfully stayed on a meal plan, which helps our daughter stay in recovery upon returning home from treatment.

My husband and I stayed for an additional 6-Day Intensive after Family Week, and that is where the healing and hope began for true recovery. We didn’t realize just how much we needed help with co-dependency and other issues. We have grown so much and continue to do so in our marriage, as we are attending meetings within AA, Al-Anon, Co-dependency and Adult Child of Alcoholics. They have changed our family’s way of thinking and communication patterns. We now hold weekly family meetings with the great format Shades of Hope shared with us during our therapy there.

These communication improvements have also helped me with my business and communication style. I am now able to have healthy confrontations without holding resentments. It has been truly liberating and freeing to have such great tools in my tool bag with communicating and understanding how much it helps all who are involved. Today, I am a more effective communicator, business owner, and partner due to the knowledge given to me at Shades of Hope. We love our Shades Family!”