Shades of Hope on A&E’s “Intervention” Season Finale

On tonight’s season finale of the A&E hit show “Intervention,” alcoholic and compulsive overeater Terry will get treatment from Tennie at Shades of Hope. Here’s a quick summary from A&E’s website about what to expect: Once a stunning model and devoted mother, Terry binges on vodka every day to escape her mother’s taunts and her […]

Acceptance is the answer…Ouch.

When I hear the word “acceptance”, I think about Coach Ham, yellow squash and this little thing we deal with called, LIFE. Last night I was lamenting beautifully to my  Sponsor about my day. I was explaining to him the many trials and tribulations that lay ahead of me… and how, if ever, anyone would […]

My reflection in the looking glass

I awoke this morning with the pressing reminder about an assignment I was given. Well, that’s not correct… Sponsors, don’t issue out assignments or homework, they offer up suggestions. It was suggested to me that I write down any occurring thoughts that I might be having. You see… First, let me warn you that I’m […]

Tennie McCarty appears on Dr. Oz

“Addiction is the only disease that says, you do not have it!” – Tennie McCarty  Click on image to watch the clip Is food controlling your life? Do you feel out of control? Meet someone with a food addiction and find out what it takes to break the cycle.

Resentments Part One

It occurred to me, in between shots, that maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on my parents anymore. I mean, we all make mistakes, right? My friends and I were bar hopping in West Hollywood celebrating my 27th birthday, fun was expected and excessive drinking required.  Ahhh, I still remember that old Irish Gaelic drinking song my friends sang […]

But, I can’t afford treatment!

“I can’t take the time away from work… I’ve got kids, my insurance won’t cover it. I’m not rich” Hmmmm, likely excuse. First thing first, stop complaining! Second thing, get your sorry no good, lying (all addicts lie), cheating, excuse making and not willing to make sacrifices SELF to a meeting. When you get to […]

Shades of Hope featured on A&E’s ‘Intervention’

Shades of Hope was featured on an episode of the Emmy award-winning show “Intervention” on A&E. “Intervention” is a television series that profiles people with addictions or other destructive behaviors that have led them to a point of crisis. Each episode ends with a surprise intervention held with friends and family led by an intervention […]

Alcohol Addiction: Signs of alcoholism

For most people, drinking alcohol is a pleasant social activity. However, approximately 1 out of every 13 people in the United States abuse alcohol, have alcohol dependency issues or are alcoholics. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism or alcohol dependency. Alcohol abuse includes drinking too much at one time or continuing to binge drink regularly. […]