Do you know someone who is eating themselves to death?

When we see someone clutching their chest, we don’t hesitate to call 911 to get them professional help. Why are we so hesitant to get professional help when we know someone is poisoning themselves with food? The signs of obesity are just as obvious as a heart attack and the consequences are just as fatal. […]

The Six Day Intensive – Day 2

This was such a tough day for me… I was in so much pain. I had a migraine, was vomiting and would suddenly just fall asleep. I just couldn’t stay awake no matter how hard I tried. I was coming down off of caffeine!  Honestly, I still can’t believe how severe my withdraw symptoms were. […]

Anoxeria Athletica (Compulsive Exercising)

Anorexia Athletica, also known as compulsive exercise, athletica nervosa, obligatory exercise, and exercise addiction, anorexia is a potentially life-threatening condition. The person with anorexia athletica no longer enjoys exercising, but feels obligated to do so. Symptoms may include: Repeatedly exercising beyond the requirements for good health. Fanatical about weight and diet. May strive to achieve […]

Binge Eating Disorder: To eat or not to eat – sometimes it’s not a question

Most of us are guilty of overindulging in food from time to time – just watch people at buffets or during the traditional Thanksgiving meal for proof. For most of us, the occasional high calorie overindulgence is an infrequent occurrence. For some, it is the hallmark of a serious eating disorder. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) […]

Alcohol Addiction: Signs of alcoholism

For most people, drinking alcohol is a pleasant social activity. However, approximately 1 out of every 13 people in the United States abuse alcohol, have alcohol dependency issues or are alcoholics. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism or alcohol dependency. Alcohol abuse includes drinking too much at one time or continuing to binge drink regularly. […]

Prescription Painkiller Abuse: A growing epidemic

Pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical treatment. Prescription painkiller abuse is a serious problem and a growing epidemic in the United States. Prescription painkiller addiction often begins benignly. For some people, use escalates slowly. They start with the amount of medication that is prescribed to them. After extended use, the […]

Reality star confesses to battling Bulimia

“The Hills Made Me Bulimic” declared Stephanie Pratt, a cast member of the MTV reality show, on the cover of the June 17, 2009 edition of US Weekly magazine. Stephanie, clad in a bikini, was featured alongside her startling proclamation. “The Hills” is a reality show on MTV set in the Hollywood Hills of Los […]