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Shades of Hope Alumni Story: Amanda

Amanda began her journey at Shades of Hope as a very hopeless and broken individual. Recovery is possible! We hope that you will read her story and make a change for yourself today. Call (800) 588-4673 to speak to someone. “My battle with weight and food began when I was 8 years…

Shades of Hope Alumni Story: Jackie

Jackie’s daughter suffered from anorexia and bulimia for more than 4 years before her family became involved. Upon identifying her eating disorder with her therapist, the family came to Shades of Hope. Read Jackie’s story and know that there is hope for your own child or family member struggling with…

How Bullying Leads to Eating Disorders

The harmful effects of bullying are widely recognized. The victim often feels powerless, fearful, and can be led to believe something is wrong with them, even long after the harassment occurs. Another type of damage that is only just now coming to light is the potential for bullying to lead to eating disorders. According to […]

Help Make “Shades of Hope” a Bestseller Again!

Tennie’s book “Shades of Hope” is now out in paperback, and we’re trying to make it a bestseller again. We have a special offer for those who help us boost sales this week. Order your paperback copy of Shades of Hope at by Tuesday, March 12, and we’ll send you an autographed bookplate from Tennie as…

Orthorexia Nervosa: Is Your Diet Too Healthy?

Orthorexia is an eating disorder characterized by an obsessive focus on eating healthy foods. In a nation with too many overweight and obese people, orthorexia can simply look like healthy eating to an outside observer. The problem is that orthorexics are so restrictive in their healthy food habits that they refuse to eat anything they […]

Do you know someone who is eating themselves to death?

When we see someone clutching their chest, we don’t hesitate to call 911 to get them professional help. Why are we so hesitant to get professional help when we know someone is poisoning themselves with food? The signs of obesity are just as obvious as a heart attack and the consequences are just as fatal. […]

Tennie on Dr. Oz to Discuss the Dangers of Laxative Abuse

Tennie appeared on The Dr. Oz Show yesterday to share her story of abusing laxatives which is becoming a trend among women in order to lose weight. Click below to watch… If you are interested in learning more about this growing trend, visit The Doctor Oz website to read Tennie’s article on Eating Disorders and Laxative…

Signs of Eating Disorders in College-Aged Boys

An estimated eight million Americans suffer from eating disorders. One in eight of those are male. While eating disorders are more prevalent in girls, the potential for boys and young men to suffer from eating disorders should not be ignored. Teenage and college-aged boys, like girls, experience pressure to perform at school or sports, pressure […]

Top Five Myths About Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is an eating disorder that is often misunderstood. By acting on misconceptions about the disorder, well-meaning parents or loved ones of an individual suffering from bulimia may inhibit recovery and healing. As with common myths and misconceptions about anorexia, myths about bulimia are devised for any number of reasons from simple ignorance to denial. […]

Understanding Night Eating

Night Eating Syndrome has recently gained increased attention, as doctors are recognizing its connection to obesity. Night Eating Syndrome (NES) is a type of food addiction defined by an unusual eating pattern in which an individual gets more than half of their daily caloric intake after 8pm. An individual suffering from NES will eat a […]