Tennie Invited to Present at Kripalu Yoga, Meditation and Recovery Conference

Everyone has the ability to identify and recognize their addictions and find the strength to overcome them. This can be accomplished through connecting with your inner wholeness. The Yoga, Meditation and Recovery Conference held at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health aims to bring together leaders from “a wide variety of backgrounds and modalities,”…

Food Addiction Q&A with Tennie and Betty Ford Center

Tennie was recently the featured speaker at the Betty Ford Center Women’s Symposium. Prior to the event she sat down with the Betty Ford Center for a brief Q&A session on food addiction. You can read the full Q&A on their website. The Women’s Symposium mission is to provide innovative tools that help professionals care…

Tennie McCarty Joins The Huffington Post As Healthy Living Blogger On Eating Disorders, Food Addiction & Compulsive Overeating

Best-selling author & food addiction expert brings her insights to The Huffington Post readers. March 11, 2013– Best-selling author and food addictions expert, Tennie McCarty, has joined The Huffington Post as one of its Healthy Living bloggers on eating disorders and food addiction. Tennie’s blog entries will focus largely on anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, compulsive…

Help Make “Shades of Hope” a Bestseller Again!

Tennie’s book “Shades of Hope” is now out in paperback, and we’re trying to make it a bestseller again. We have a special offer for those who help us boost sales this week. Order your paperback copy of Shades of Hope at Amazon.com by Tuesday, March 12, and we’ll send you an autographed bookplate from Tennie as…

Tennie on Dr. Oz to Discuss the Dangers of Laxative Abuse

Tennie appeared on The Dr. Oz Show yesterday to share her story of abusing laxatives which is becoming a trend among women in order to lose weight. Click below to watch… If you are interested in learning more about this growing trend, visit The Doctor Oz website to read Tennie’s article on Eating Disorders and Laxative…

Alumni 3-Day Workshop with Tennie McCarty

With so many of our alumni writing in, Tennie is facilitating a “Time with Tennie…Get Ready for the Holidays” workshop. The dates for the workshop are Nov. 29 – Dec. 2 and Dec. 13 – Dec. 16. Check-in will be on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. and activities will conclude on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. The …

Tennie Interviewed on Voice America Radio Network

Tennie McCarty recently appeared on the “One Hour AT A Time” radio show, hosted by Mary Woods on the Voice America Radio Network. Tennie talked about eating disorders, particularly compulsive overeating and food addictions, as well as emotional attachments to food. Click below to listen to the show. It’s also available for download as a podcast […]

Tennie’s Coming To Indianapolis

Tennie McCarty is pairing up with CITYOGA in Indianopolis to present “Life Happens…What Now? Shades of Hope Five-Day Intensive Workshop: Exploring Grief, Trauma & Addiction,” taking place August 29 – September 2, 2012, at the Oakwood Retreat Center in Selma, Indiana. The five-day intensive workshop will be presented by best-selling author and Shades of Hope […]

Tennie Talks About Terry from A&E’s “Intervention”

Earlier this year, A&E’s hit show “Intervention” featured Terry, an alcoholic and compulsive overeater. Tennie was called in to help counsel Terry and Shades of Hope was enlisted to provide treatment for Terry’s addictions and eating disorders. We asked Tennie to provide some additional background information about Terry’s situation that wasn’t included on the TV program. […]