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Understanding Food Addiction

Food, like chemical substances, can be addicting. Many people use food as a comfort when feeling down, depressed, anxious, stressed or angry. Foods high in sugar, salt, starch and fat are the most addictive and can trigger the brain with “feel-good” chemicals, similarly to heroin or cocaine. When food addicts experience pleasure from feel-good chemicals, […]

Do you know someone who is eating themselves to death?

When we see someone clutching their chest, we don’t hesitate to call 911 to get them professional help. Why are we so hesitant to get professional help when we know someone is poisoning themselves with food? The signs of obesity are just as obvious as a heart attack and the consequences are just as fatal. […]

Importance of Sleep for College Students

Most adults in America, and even more so college students, are not getting the right amount of sleep each night. A sleep guide released by the McKinley Health Center at the University of Illinois, reports that only 40% of adults get the right amount of sleep each night. Only 11% of college students surveyed met […]