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What to Expect When Entering a Food Addiction Program

It’s not hard to see why someone might feel some sense of trepidation when committing to a food addiction treatment program. Any time we face the unknown or throw ourselves in to the deep end, it can seem very frightening, especially if we know that we will not come out…

Bulimia – An Overview

It’s a universal experience: we eat when we’re bored, or lonely, or excited… for a multitude of different reasons that sometimes do not include hunger. But our psychological reactions to this experience can vary greatly. For some, it becomes a cycle, a burden. Some will binge eat then panic when the sick feeling sets in, […]

Anorexia: An Overview

We all at one point or another look in the mirror and fixate on something we’d like to change. If only we were taller, more attractive, or thinner… When these thoughts become obsessive and start taking over our lives, they can mutate in to a multitude of unhealthy patterns. For many, the thought of gaining […]

Understanding Food Addiction

Food, like chemical substances, can be addicting. Many people use food as a comfort when feeling down, depressed, anxious, stressed or angry. Foods high in sugar, salt, starch and fat are the most addictive and can trigger the brain with “feel-good” chemicals, similarly to heroin or cocaine. When food addicts experience pleasure from feel-good chemicals, […]

Food Addiction Q&A with Tennie and Betty Ford Center

Tennie was recently the featured speaker at the Betty Ford Center Women’s Symposium. Prior to the event she sat down with the Betty Ford Center for a brief Q&A session on food addiction. You can read the full Q&A on their website. The Women’s Symposium mission is to provide innovative tools that help professionals care…

Help Make “Shades of Hope” a Bestseller Again!

Tennie’s book “Shades of Hope” is now out in paperback, and we’re trying to make it a bestseller again. We have a special offer for those who help us boost sales this week. Order your paperback copy of Shades of Hope at by Tuesday, March 12, and we’ll send you an autographed bookplate from Tennie as…

Understanding Night Eating

Night Eating Syndrome has recently gained increased attention, as doctors are recognizing its connection to obesity. Night Eating Syndrome (NES) is a type of food addiction defined by an unusual eating pattern in which an individual gets more than half of their daily caloric intake after 8pm. An individual suffering from NES will eat a […]

If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Your Mother

All addictions, including food addictions, develop as a result of a delicate “dance” between an individual’s genetic predisposition and environmental inputs. Studies suggest that the percentage of genetic predisposition can be as high as 50%. This could sound like an alarming statistic until you consider the flip side of that same number – 50% of […]

5 Tips for Surviving Holiday Office Parties

‘Tis the season for holiday parties. While that may evoke joy and cheer for some, for individuals struggling with an eating disorder — be it food addiction, overeating, anorexia or bulimia — the thought of holiday parties can cause anxiety and stress. Particularly when it comes to office parties at work. If you suffer from […]

Avoid Common Holiday Eating Disorder Triggers

Holiday meals, sweet treats, buffet-style dining and holiday candy can result in binge eating for many Americans. For individuals who suffer from eating disorders, including bulimia nervosa, compulsive over-eating and binge eating, the holidays can spell disaster. A new holiday season is here. With Halloween now behind us, the 2012 holiday season has officially begun. […]