Shades of Hope Alumni Story: Amanda
Amanda began her journey at Shades of Hope as a very hopeless and broken individual. Recovery is possible! We hope that you will read her story and make a change for yourself today. Call (800) 588-4673 to speak to someone. “My battle with weight and food began when I was 8 years…
Eating Disorders – An Overview
What exactly is an eating disorder? Simply put, these are very serious conditions where the sufferer is so preoccupied with food and weight that it takes over their lives. Someone with such a disorder is usually aware of what they are doing but feels powerless to stop themselves. The 3 most common types of […]
Bulimia – An Overview
It’s a universal experience: we eat when we’re bored, or lonely, or excited… for a multitude of different reasons that sometimes do not include hunger. But our psychological reactions to this experience can vary greatly. For some, it becomes a cycle, a burden. Some will binge eat then panic when the sick feeling sets in, […]
Anorexia: An Overview
We all at one point or another look in the mirror and fixate on something we’d like to change. If only we were taller, more attractive, or thinner… When these thoughts become obsessive and start taking over our lives, they can mutate in to a multitude of unhealthy patterns. For many, the thought of gaining […]
Effects of Spring Break on Body Image
Spring break is right around the corner. For many high school and college students, spring break brings increased insecurities about their bodies. The idea of hitting the beach or lying out by the pool in a bathing suit with friends and fellow classmates can be paralyzing for individuals who suffer from a poor body image. […]
Tennie McCarty Joins The Huffington Post As Healthy Living Blogger On Eating Disorders, Food Addiction & Compulsive Overeating
Best-selling author & food addiction expert brings her insights to The Huffington Post readers. March 11, 2013– Best-selling author and food addictions expert, Tennie McCarty, has joined The Huffington Post as one of its Healthy Living bloggers on eating disorders and food addiction. Tennie’s blog entries will focus largely on anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, compulsive…
Help Make “Shades of Hope” a Bestseller Again!
Tennie’s book “Shades of Hope” is now out in paperback, and we’re trying to make it a bestseller again. We have a special offer for those who help us boost sales this week. Order your paperback copy of Shades of Hope at by Tuesday, March 12, and we’ll send you an autographed bookplate from Tennie as…
Orthorexia Nervosa: Is Your Diet Too Healthy?
Orthorexia is an eating disorder characterized by an obsessive focus on eating healthy foods. In a nation with too many overweight and obese people, orthorexia can simply look like healthy eating to an outside observer. The problem is that orthorexics are so restrictive in their healthy food habits that they refuse to eat anything they […]
Do you know someone who is eating themselves to death?
When we see someone clutching their chest, we don’t hesitate to call 911 to get them professional help. Why are we so hesitant to get professional help when we know someone is poisoning themselves with food? The signs of obesity are just as obvious as a heart attack and the consequences are just as fatal. […]
Tennie on Dr. Oz to Discuss the Dangers of Laxative Abuse
Tennie appeared on The Dr. Oz Show yesterday to share her story of abusing laxatives which is becoming a trend among women in order to lose weight. Click below to watch… If you are interested in learning more about this growing trend, visit The Doctor Oz website to read Tennie’s article on Eating Disorders and Laxative…