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Understanding Compulsive Overeating

Some call it a food addiction. Others refer to it as compulsive overeating. No matter the label, researchers and doctors agree on one thing: fat, salt and sugar can alter the brain chemistry, making it more difficult to resist eating more. In his book, “The End of Overeating”, former FDA commissioner David Kessler, MD explains […]

Understanding Emotional Eating

Eating can be a psychological act. The term “emotional eating” is often thrown around with a negative connotation, but it can be misunderstood. There are numerous occasions in which eating is emotional: popcorn at the movie, corn dogs at the fair, ice cream with a friend, etc. We eat the foods we love, foods that […]

If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Your Mother

All addictions, including food addictions, develop as a result of a delicate “dance” between an individual’s genetic predisposition and environmental inputs. Studies suggest that the percentage of genetic predisposition can be as high as 50%. This could sound like an alarming statistic until you consider the flip side of that same number – 50% of […]