Shades of Hope Alumni Story: Amanda

Amanda began her journey at Shades of Hope as a very hopeless and broken individual. Recovery is possible! We hope that you will read her story and make a change for yourself today. Call (800) 588-4673 to speak to someone. “My battle with weight and food began when I was 8 years…

Effects of Spring Break on Body Image

Spring break is right around the corner. For many high school and college students, spring break brings increased insecurities about their bodies. The idea of hitting the beach or lying out by the pool in a bathing suit with friends and fellow classmates can be paralyzing for individuals who suffer from a poor body image. […]

Signs of Eating Disorders in College-Aged Boys

An estimated eight million Americans suffer from eating disorders. One in eight of those are male. While eating disorders are more prevalent in girls, the potential for boys and young men to suffer from eating disorders should not be ignored. Teenage and college-aged boys, like girls, experience pressure to perform at school or sports, pressure […]

Tell-Tale Signs of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder can be a vicious cycle – a trap leading to unhealthy eating and exercise patterns resulting in eating disorders. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental illness in which an individual obsesses over minor or imagined physical flaws. A person suffering from body dysmorphic disorder tends to view his or her appearance differently than […]

Five Healthy Tips for Coping with the Media’s Messages about Beauty

We are bombarded today with mixed messages about what defines beauty, what the ideal body looks like and how to accomplish that ideal. How do you cope with these messages without falling into the dangerous and potentially deadly behaviors associated with an eating disorder? If you have struggled with an eating disorder like bulimia in […]

Face your body and see the addiction

“Worthlessness and shame is something I’m used to.” – Layne My best buds and I gathered together to eat, fellowship, and watch the second episode of Addicted to Food, now our Tuesday night ritual. What I’m sure is to become my usual attempt, I tried to relax my mind so that I could watch the […]

Fashion magazines: Friend or foe?

September – this is the time of year when the thickest fashion magazines of the year are hitting the news stands and arriving in mailboxes everywhere. Most women have a love-hate relationship with fashion magazines. Flipping through the pages can get a bit depressing as the images are so impossible to attain in real life. […]