What to Expect When Entering a Food Addiction Program

It’s not hard to see why someone might feel some sense of trepidation when committing to a food addiction treatment program. Any time we face the unknown or throw ourselves in to the deep end, it can seem very frightening, especially if we know that we will not come out…
Eating Disorders – An Overview

What exactly is an eating disorder? Simply put, these are very serious conditions where the sufferer is so preoccupied with food and weight that it takes over their lives. Someone with such a disorder is usually aware of what they are doing but feels powerless to stop themselves. The 3 most common types of […]
Five Healthy Tips for Coping with the Media’s Messages about Beauty

We are bombarded today with mixed messages about what defines beauty, what the ideal body looks like and how to accomplish that ideal. How do you cope with these messages without falling into the dangerous and potentially deadly behaviors associated with an eating disorder? If you have struggled with an eating disorder like bulimia in […]
The Grindstone features Tennie’s thoughts on identifying eating disorders in the workplace

The Grindstone, a popular website for professional women, interviewed Tennie McCarty for a story about eating disorders in the workplace and tips for identifying if your co-worker or friend at the office suffers from disordered eating. Click here to read The Grindstone’s story about eating disorders in the office
Anorexia Nervosa: Dying to be thin

Anorexia nervosa, also referred to as anorexia, is an eating disorder characterized by extremely low body weight, body image distortion and an intense fear of gaining weight. Anorexics severely limit calories, fast and exercise excessively in order to feel control. Anorexia causes sufferers to see themselves as fat even though the rest of the world, […]
Tennie McCarty Films “Body Image & Food Obsession” Series with Indiania’s Fox 59 Anchorwoman Jenny Anchondo

Tennie recently filmed the four-part series “Body Image & Food Obsession” with Jenny Anchondo at Fox 59 WXIN Indianapolis. Each segment has such a powerful message and deals with everyday food obsession and body conscious mental disorders ranging from teens to middle-aged women: Part 1 In this first installment, a local Indianapolis woman shares her […]
Lifestyle Intervention guest pass giveaway

Come and be a guest of Shades of Hope! Do you live in the Las Vegas area? Join us at the Four Seasons! Fit-RX and The Change Institute are introducing the first national conference on Obesity, Intervention and Treatment. Shades of Hope will be there, and we want you to join us! WWW.LIFESTYLEINTERVENTION.ORG Hello friends! […]
Dr. Oz: The FLAB card, what’s in your wallet?

F-L-A-B (Frustrated – Lonely – Anxious – Bored) Yesterday on ‘The Dr. Oz Show’ the famed health guru and friend of Oprah asked TV land, “Are you addicted to food?”. “Why yes, yes I am”, I replied back emphatically. The focus of the show was on three women who thought, but he knew, they were addicted […]
Shock Therapy on TLC’s ‘Freaky Eaters’…Exploitation anyone?

Okay, so my Google alert on food addictions went off with a bang this morning! Salon.com posted an interview they did with the nutritionist for the show ‘Freaky Eaters’ on TLC. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love me some TLC. Why they brought the show ‘Horders’ into my life, the show that makes me gasp every 2 minutes! […]
The Six Day Intensive – Day 1

This is the Day One video journal of my participation in the Six Day Intensive at Shades Of Hope in Buffalo Gap, TX. Please know that this isn’t scripted or rehearsed… I just hit record and went on with it. So, please excuse my little idiosyncrasies. For me, the Six Day was life changing. For […]