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What to Expect When Entering a Food Addiction Program

It’s not hard to see why someone might feel some sense of trepidation when committing to a food addiction treatment program. Any time we face the unknown or throw ourselves in to the deep end, it can seem very frightening, especially if we know that we will not come out…

Top five addiction myths

There are many myths and misperceptions about addiction and addiction recovery floating around. Much of our scientific knowledge about addiction is relatively new, so it’s not surprising that people have old, long-held beliefs that are incorrect. In our experience as a professional addiction treatment center, here are the top five myths about addiction: Myth #1: […]

Tennie’s Coming To Indianapolis

Tennie McCarty is pairing up with CITYOGA in Indianopolis to present “Life Happens…What Now? Shades of Hope Five-Day Intensive Workshop: Exploring Grief, Trauma & Addiction,” taking place August 29 – September 2, 2012, at the Oakwood Retreat Center in Selma, Indiana. The five-day intensive workshop will be presented by best-selling author and Shades of Hope […]

Shades of Hope on A&E’s “Intervention” Season Finale

On tonight’s season finale of the A&E hit show “Intervention,” alcoholic and compulsive overeater Terry will get treatment from Tennie at Shades of Hope. Here’s a quick summary from A&E’s website about what to expect: Once a stunning model and devoted mother, Terry binges on vodka every day to escape her mother’s taunts and her […]

Shades of Hope to be featured on ABC’s Nightline

Wednesday, September 7th  ABC 10|9 C Back in April of this year, Yale University released a ground breaking study on Sugar Addiction. What did the study conclude? That yes, one can in fact be addicted to sugar. Ashley Gearhardt, is a clinical psychology doctoral student  from the Yale & Rudd Center for Policy and Obesity. […]

Economic insecurity will slip away…Really?

It is the beginning of the month or the end for some, and that means bills are due, or past due.  Yesterday, I paid all of my bills (rent, gas, water, electric & cable) on time and had enough money left over to float me until the next payday.  It didn’t hit me until I […]

Acceptance is the answer…Ouch.

When I hear the word “acceptance”, I think about Coach Ham, yellow squash and this little thing we deal with called, LIFE. Last night I was lamenting beautifully to my  Sponsor about my day. I was explaining to him the many trials and tribulations that lay ahead of me… and how, if ever, anyone would […]

Shock Therapy on TLC’s ‘Freaky Eaters’…Exploitation anyone?

Okay, so my Google alert on food addictions went off with a bang this morning! posted an interview they did with the nutritionist for the show ‘Freaky Eaters’ on TLC. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love me some TLC. Why they brought the show ‘Horders’ into my life, the show that makes me gasp every 2 minutes! […]

The Six Day Intensive – Day 1

This is the Day One video journal of my participation in the Six Day Intensive at Shades Of Hope in Buffalo Gap, TX. Please know that this isn’t scripted or rehearsed… I just hit record and went on with it. So, please excuse my little idiosyncrasies. For me, the Six Day was life changing. For […]

The world through detoxed eyes. Life after the Six Day Intensive.

“If left to our own devices we will fail. We can’t do this alone.” – Tennie McCarty I arrived. I survived. I am detoxed. After six days of intense therapy and a diet abstaining from caffeine, flour, sugar and gluten, I feel better than I have in years! Or ever? I haven’t been without one of […]