Confessions of a FFK (Former Fat Kid)

” I’m no diet guru, and this isn’t a diet book, but if I escaped more than a decade above 300 pounds, lots of others can find relief too.” – Michael Prager

I don’t know about you, but I’m way behind on my self selected reading list and journals to thumb during my morning routine. Behind I may be, still I went ahead and  ordered Michael  Pragers, Fat Boy Thin Man. The moment it arrives I plan do dive in 🙂 I’m very curious to know when he realized his addiction began. If he even knew it was an addiction. Michael explains on his website that, at the time of treatment, he was diagnosed with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) that he did not have an “addiction” to food, even though he weighed well over 300 pounds. It is only recently that people are coming to understand that one can in fact be addicted to food. Still the skeptics are many.

Addiction, in my opinion, is the bastard child of all the diseases. The red headed step child, if you will. Would you tell someone with cancer to, “Get over it.” Would you tell someone with diabetes, “Your not trying hard enough!” It is a disease that gets no sympathy. It is a disease that doesn’t let you know you have it. It is a disease that only YOU can diagnose  and one that science cannot cure. It is… cunning, baffling and powerful. This is why we meet in groups, because normal people just don’ t understand and without the unity of others, just like ourselves, we would have no defense.

Lately, since I started attending meetings at Shades of Hope, I’ve been trying to trace my addiction back to the beginning. I’ve come to realize that it began well before the first time I smoked pot (freshman year). It began well before the first time I got drunk (senior prom). It began the summer before 5th grade… the summer I learned how to bake a cake. It was the summer I looked like the cover of Michael’s book. I’m waiting impatiently for UPS.

My name is Brock Cravy and I’m addicted to me.