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Orthorexia Nervosa: Is Your Diet Too Healthy?

Orthorexia is an eating disorder characterized by an obsessive focus on eating healthy foods. In a nation with too many overweight and obese people, orthorexia can simply look like healthy eating to an outside observer. The problem is that orthorexics are so restrictive in their healthy food habits that they refuse to eat anything they […]

Do you know someone who is eating themselves to death?

When we see someone clutching their chest, we don’t hesitate to call 911 to get them professional help. Why are we so hesitant to get professional help when we know someone is poisoning themselves with food? The signs of obesity are just as obvious as a heart attack and the consequences are just as fatal. […]

The Master Cleanse: Fad diet in disguise

The Master Cleanse. It sounds healthy – detox, purify, cleanse, etc. Unfortunately, these are the buzz words of yet another fad diet – a fad diet that does far more damage than good. On the Master Cleanse & similar “detox” programs, participants are expected to exist on little more than water spiked with maple syrup, […]

Addiction and Codependency: Are you an Enabler?

We all want to help the people we love, but there is a difference between helping and enabling. Do you have an addict in your life? Are you an enabler? Answer some of following questions to find out: Do you help the addict in your life avoid consequences for their behavior? Do you make excuses […]

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