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Relapse prevention during the Holidays

The holidays are a dangerous time for relapse amongst addicts. This time period is supposed to be about joy and celebration but often turns into a stressful time filled with anxiety, tension and sadness. The period from Thanksgiving through New Year’s is overwhelming for everyone. It can be especially difficult for those with addictions and […]

Crystal Meth: Meth addiction crosses all boundaries

Famous tennis star Andre Agassi made headlines recently when he confessed to using crystal methamphetamine during his record-breaking career. Normally, news stories regarding crystal methamphetamine highlight “meth lab” explosions and ensuing consequences. Manufacturing methamphetamine is very dangerous due to the volatility of the chemicals used and the toxicity of the by-products. Reading that an athletic […]

Binge Eating Disorder: To eat or not to eat – sometimes it’s not a question

Most of us are guilty of overindulging in food from time to time – just watch people at buffets or during the traditional Thanksgiving meal for proof. For most of us, the occasional high calorie overindulgence is an infrequent occurrence. For some, it is the hallmark of a serious eating disorder. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) […]

Alcohol Addiction: Signs of alcoholism

For most people, drinking alcohol is a pleasant social activity. However, approximately 1 out of every 13 people in the United States abuse alcohol, have alcohol dependency issues or are alcoholics. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcoholism or alcohol dependency. Alcohol abuse includes drinking too much at one time or continuing to binge drink regularly. […]

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